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How to make meetings less boring and more engaging
2 年前

How can we make meetings less boring and create a more inclusive, engaging experience? In this episode of The Collaboration Space, Charlie McCarrel, Technical Director at Huddly, explains how companies can use technology to make virtual meetings less tiring and more visually interesting. 

What makes video conferencing tiring and boring?


Many people feel tired after video meetings even if they barely participated, and there are a lot of theories behind what causes “Zoom fatigue.” Some meeting-goers say they get bored from staring at a screen full of indiscernible boxed faces, rather than focusing on a human face as attendees do in person. Some get tired from the stress of wondering how and when to jump in and say something. 

The reasons behind meeting boredom may vary from person to person, but many aspects of video calls can be tiring and not visually appealing. Often, meeting participants are stuck staring at static images or can’t tell what else is happening in a room. These virtual experiences aren’t like in-person meetings, where attendees get to see others’ reactions to a speaker, as well as what else is going on in a room.

How can we keep meetings engaging and inclusive?


Fortunately, there are ways to improve meeting engagement. A common tactic is to share better content, which is an important step. A less common approach is to make video meetings more visually interesting and even exciting. 

People stare at screens when they play video games or watch shows without getting bored and tired. That’s because they are interested and engaged by the action and the cinematic aspects. Now enterprise meeting cameras and other technologies can add those qualities to meetings. 


Camera and AI technology create a more human experience


How does technology create a more inclusive and human meeting experience? Participants can see meetings through a television-like, multi-camera view that offers different frames and viewing angles. Cameras like those by Huddly keep meetings interesting even for remote participants by adding variety and real-room experiences. Meeting participants can see others’ reactions, movements, and non-verbal cues. The more that participants–remote and in-person–can see, the more they’re going to feel included and invested. 

Choose technology like the Huddly® Multi-Camera Experience that includes an artificial intelligence (AI) director. AI technology helps track the person who’s speaking, as well as non-speaking participants’ head movements and facial expressions. Beyond the standard pan/tilt/zoom capabilities, the Huddly AI director now handles the camera actions that a person would have previously controlled from a panel. 

Additionally, as the AI gets better, it will learn where the camera’s attention should be based on cues like the direction people turn their heads when someone walks into the room. The goal is for the technology to enable hybrid meetings to feel like authentic, in-person meetings where everyone can focus on the people and information and not be distracted by controls or bored by a dull screen. 


Bring video meetings to life with smarter cameras


Over the past few years, workers have grown accustomed to online meetings and the accompanying monotony. Fortunately, emerging technologies like AI-assisted cameras are here to help. If you want to see how Huddly cameras and AI director can add some energy to your meetings, let AVI-SPL help. Contact us today.

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